Friday, March 23, 2007

Some Links Related to Assam!

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Welcome Back Assam!

Hey! what are you doing, you Assamese people? I am requesting you all to give a break! Give some time for blogging, instead of chatting and porn! Yesterday night I browsed through internet, in search of some good Assamese Blogs. But, nothing! I got nothing, but that 2 hour time spoiled some of my bandwidth.Well, it may be my fault or the fault of search engines; I am requesting you all "Please write someting good about Assam and let me know about it". You can also send me the URL links, that you think valuable.

I have noticed that most of the Assmese youths, uses internet for chatting and porn. This is not just bluff, but my own experience in various cyber cafes over a period of 6 years. Wait, wait I am not telling you to change your personal tastes and preferances! But, looking at the present scenario of Assam, I would like to request you to give some time for Assam. See, if 1000 users will open 1000 Blogs, then they posts atleast 1 post every month, then Assam will get 12000 posts on Assam in a year. This will help Google and other Search engines to index more information on Assam.

So, try to open a Blog, and start writing. It may be your personal Blog, but you can give some Assamese touch to it! In my later postings I will tell you about the benefits of writing a Blog.

Till then happy Blogging!


read more “Welcome Back Assam!”
Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Hello! Everybody!

I am starting this Blog to showcase Assam. Yes! Assam needs a showroom. Can you hear me? -Assamese people. Wake up, the World has moved far ahead. Open your mouths, speak out and Say something for Assam. Over internet, the whole World is waiting to hear your voice and your cries!

I am creating this Blog after observing such a pathetic presence of Assam over internet. Wake up Assam! You need to use internet to tell the World, what you are doing, what you want, what you are getting and what you are not getting, etc.

You can't afford to host a website, that's not a problem. Look towards the Blogs! You can easily create, update and manage a blog, without spending a rupee. Don't be shy! Listen to your Heart, and Speak to the World, rather than waiting for fulfilment of False Promises of Political Leaders.

My Blog will help you to index your content. I am creating this Blog to make a directory of the Blogs Coming from the Hearts of Assamese people. Feel free to send your Blog index to me. My mail ID is within 48 hours I will include your blog link here!

All the best for your Better Blogging!

Blog Assam.
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